


Cryptogram is a young science-fiction adventure about an internet terrorist who attempts to take over the world with a computer virus based on the DNA of a junkie. Just like any living organism, the new code has the ability to mutate and adapt to any computer environment. While being pursed by the FBI Internet Investigation Division, the terrorist must destroy any genetic remains on the junkie to keep the key to the code a secret and to succeed.

Director Gary O. Bennett wrote and directed the feature film: 'Rain Without Thunder' which premiered in over a dozen film festivals from the Berlin Film Festival to the New York Human Rights Watch Film Festival. Producer Alyssa Rallo Bennett’s film 'The Pack' is now being re-released and distributed by FilmRise as the newly edited Smoking | Non-Smoking.

Cryptogram stars Angelo Pietropinto ('Goodfellas', 'Another World', and 'Remember Me') and includes the young rising stars from Stonestreet's NYU Tisch Drama program, Hannah Goss, Isaak James, Scarlett Futch, Horace Gilbert, Jane Needleman, Jessica Archer, Shale Marks, Kari Ensminger, Tanisha Lynn, Darleen Wall, Brandon Tesar, Ellen Thompson and Maria Setaro.